
[ANNOUNCEMENT] Dr. Elephant Weekly Meeting

akshayrai opened this issue ยท 20 comments

Hello Dr. Elephant Developers and Users,

Hope you are having a great time!

Recently, a few folks have reached out to us to coordinate and contribute several features for Dr. Elephant. We had a productive meeting and have decided to arrange a weekly Hangout meeting for all the people interested in developing Dr. Elephant so that we can plan, coordinate and work together much efficiently.

Meeting Preference: Thursday at 9 am PST.

To be up to date with Dr. Elephant meetings and events please add drelinkedin[at]gmail[dot]com to your calendar.

Akshay Rai
Invite (Add this to your Calendar): Link

Thanks to all those who attended the meeting. Click here for the minutes.

[Update] We are cancelling this week's meeting(9th March) due to unavailability of the organizers. Please add your agenda to the document and we can discuss it in the upcoming meeting.

We hope to meet you at the Dr. Elephant meetup, -- Strata + Hadoop World Edition next week.

I am not sure if we are going to have the meeting tonight. If there are no action times for tonight, then maybe we should cancel tonight's meeting, and do it next week.

I would like to suggest a topic for next week meeting. If possible, can we please talk about the issues in Spark fetcher. There is already a PR (#224) about it, and I have a few concerns about the overall design. Maybe it would be a good idea to talk about this design in the meeting.

@rayortigas and @shankar37 If you have time, please join this meeting.

@superbobry I think you should also join this meeting, as you have been also working on Spark fetcher.

@shkhrgpt, thanks for the update.

I don't see any agenda for the meeting this week. We will have it next week.

Added agenda items for Thursday 4/6 meeting.

@akshayrai can you update meeting time to 9am PT on Thursdays please ?

Are the Dr. Elephant Weekly Meetings still taking place?

We setup this meeting process to discuss design ideas and to encourage people to contribute in huge ways to Dr. Elephant. We are still open to discussions, except that we don't have these meetings regularly.

We expect folks to add the topic of discussion to the shared agenda document and ping here requesting for a meeting. Only then we schedule the meeting.

Have added the topic of discussion to the shared agenda document

Have you already done the meeting or are you planning a meeting to discuss the topics added by @shahrukhkhan489?

@shkhrgpt, we haven't had the meeting yet. Most of us were out on vacation last week.

@shahrukhkhan489, can you let us know your preferred time for the meeting? Would Thursday(Jan 4) 10:30 pm IST work?

@shahrukhkhan489, can we schedule the meeting this week?

I didn't schedule it for last week as it was a long weekend.

@akshayrai Please schedule a call to discuss Tez heuristics on Dr. Elephant. Wed 9 AM PST works for me. @chinmayms Please let us know your availability

Thanks everyone for attending the meeting. Click here for the meeting minutes.

@akshayrai Please let us know if we can integrate with Apache Spark 2.0

@smagadi , Akshay is not actively associated with the project right now.
customSHSWork branch has changes which integrates with LinkedIn's internal Spark 2.x version but as its an internal version, some APIs' would not work for you. However, all of these APIs' already have associated Spark community JIRAs', meaning, eventually, the changes would converge.

However, we are open to contributions to integrate it with open source Spark 2.x. This would require writing a custom Spark fetcher.

Is this still happening ? Do we ahve a slack or some channel ?

The channel may be close, no body here