
Invalid Greenkeeper configuration file

greenkeeper opened this issue · 0 comments

We have detected a problem with your Greenkeeper config file 🚨

Greenkeeper currently can’t work with your greenkeeper.json config file because it is invalid. We found the following issue:

  1. The root-level key commitMessages is invalid. If you meant to add a group named commitMessages, please put it in a root-level groups object. Valid root-level keys are groups and ignore.

Please correct this and commit the fix to your default branch (usually master). Greenkeeper will pick up your changes and try again. If in doubt, please consult the config documentation.

Here’s an example of a valid greenkeeper.json:

  groups: {
    frontend: {
      packages: [
    build: {
      packages: [
  ignore: [

This files tells Greenkeeper to handle all dependency updates in two groups. All files in the frontend group will receive updates together, in one issue or PR, and the root-level package.json in the build group will be treated separately. In addition, Greenkeeper will never send updates for the standard and eslint packages.

🤖 🌴