
No rule to make target `../../'. Stop.

micahstubbs opened this issue · 3 comments

When I follow the instructions here to build the parseq-tracevis subproject, I see this make error:

➜  parseq-tracevis git:(master) make dist
Makefile:27: ../../ No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `../../'.  Stop.

what am I missing? is there another step that generates this missing file?

@micahstubbs Sorry to confuse you here. We migrated the build system from maven to Gradle last year and forgot the update this README.
You can just run ./gradlew makeDist to generate the tar.gz file. And our team will fix this in our next release. Thank you for your reporting.

ah hah, that makes sense 💡

thanks for the explanation!

@micahstubbs This issue has been resolved in #218.