Typo in wiki Par vs Seq example code
adambengis opened this issue · 1 comments
adambengis commented
The Execution Model Introduction wiki has a typo in the Par vs Seq discussion's last code example:
Task<String> fetchGoogle = fetchBody("http://www.google.com");
Task<String> fetchBing = fetchBody("http://www.bing.com");
Task<String> processGoogle = fetchGoogle.andThen(this::processBodoogley);
Task<String> processGBing = fetchBing.andThen(this::processBody);
Though "processBodoogley" is hilarious and "processGBing" is pretty silly also, I believe the author meant "processBody" and "processBing", respectively, as in:
Task<String> fetchGoogle = fetchBody("http://www.google.com");
Task<String> fetchBing = fetchBody("http://www.bing.com");
Task<String> processGoogle = fetchGoogle.andThen(this::processBody);
Task<String> processBing = fetchBing.andThen(this::processBody);
karthikbalasub commented
ha ha, good catch :)
Fixed now.