
Profile about summary changed HTML

igorgbianchi opened this issue · 7 comments

The problem is on profileScraperTemplate.js where

about: {
    selector: '.pv-about-section',
    fields: {
      text: 'p'

was changed to

about: {
    selector: '#about + .pvs-header__container + .display-flex',
    fields: {
      text: 'span'

Did not fixed for me. Did you do something else?

Did not fixed for me. Did you do something else?

I changed line 11 of src/profile/cleanProfileData.js to:

    profile.profile.summary = profile.about.text;
    profile.about = {text: null};

Perhaps it's not the best solution, but it's working.

Still did not work for me... Is it currently working for you? I keep getting the erros:
"UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: LinkedIn website changed and scrapedin 1.0.21 can't read basic data. Please report this issue at"

Still did not work for me... Is it currently working for you? I keep getting the erros: "UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: LinkedIn website changed and scrapedin 1.0.21 can't read basic data. Please report this issue at"

It's working here, the only changes were what I've commented.

Thanks. In order to work I had to install directly from github using: npm i git+
now I do not get errors, but I am not able to get any data from positions. It always returns empty...

positions: [],
educations: [],
skills: [],
recommendations: { givenCount: '0', receivedCount: '0', given: [], received: [] },
accomplishments: [],
courses: undefined,
languages: undefined,
projects: undefined,

Thanks. In order to work I had to install directly from github using: npm i git+ now I do not get errors, but I am not able to get any data from positions. It always returns empty...

positions: [], educations: [], skills: [], recommendations: { givenCount: '0', receivedCount: '0', given: [], received: [] }, accomplishments: [], courses: undefined, languages: undefined, projects: undefined,

Now that you've mentioned, I checked those fields and they are empty too. I will try to fix.

Great, Thanks! I tried but no luck... if you fix it, please share with us.