
etcd Auth Not Supported

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Thanks for creating this library, it's pretty close to exactly what we need. Unfortunately, after reviewing the documentation and code, it appears that authentication to etcd is not supported by this client. Guzzle supports basic auth (, but it doesn't look like this can be passed into the Client class.

Is this something on your roadmap or is there a work around that you suggest?

Hi @ChrisJones75, you're right, that's not possible with the latest version.
but: it could be easily supported by allowing the caller to pass in a pre-configured Guzzle client instance (with basic auth configured) into either the constructor or a setter.
I currently don't have the option to work on that, but a PR is very welcome!

Thanks for the quick response @joostfaassen. I'll check into the modifications and submit a PR if I can figure it out.

Just merged #22 solving this issue.