
Use return of exceptions, instead of implicitly throwing it (throw will be explicit)

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void NotSupportedException() { throw std::logic_error("Not supported exception."); }
auto NotSupportedExceptionAndReturn() { throw std::logic_error("Not supported exception."); }
void NotImplementedException() { throw std::logic_error("Not implemented exception."); }
auto NotImplementedExceptionAndReturn() { throw std::logic_error("Not implemented exception."); }

replace with:

auto NotSupportedException() { return std::logic_error("Not supported exception."); }

auto NotImplementedException() { return std::logic_error("Not implemented exception."); }


throw NotSupportedException();
  • cpp/Platform.Exceptions/ThrowExtensions.h ❌ Failed
• Replace the `throw` keyword with `return` in the `NotSupportedException` function definition. The modified function should look like this: `auto NotSupportedException() { return std::logic_error("Not supported exception."); }` • Replace the `throw` keyword with `return` in the `NotImplementedException` function definition. The modified function should look like this: `auto NotImplementedException() { return std::logic_error("Not implemented exception."); }`

Sweep: do



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File Path Proposed Changes
cpp/Platform.Exceptions/ThrowExtensions.h Modify cpp/Platform.Exceptions/ThrowExtensions.h with contents:
• Replace the throw keyword with return in the NotSupportedException function definition. The modified function should look like this: auto NotSupportedException() { return std::logic_error("Not supported exception."); }
• Replace the throw keyword with return in the NotImplementedException function definition. The modified function should look like this: auto NotImplementedException() { return std::logic_error("Not implemented exception."); }

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Sweep: in cpp/Platform.Exceptions/ThrowExtensions.h we have code like this:

 void NotSupportedException() { throw std::logic_error("Not supported exception."); } 
 auto NotSupportedExceptionAndReturn() { throw std::logic_error("Not supported exception."); } 

Replace throw word in such functions to return

Sweep: retry

Sweep: retry