
Self referencing table

scripter-co opened this issue · 2 comments


I'm trying to create a files table, which will hold records for primary files and it's child files (files assosacted with the primary files).

Basically, something simple like

|     ID     |     Filename     |     ParentID     |

I've defined my model like:

class File(Model):
    has_many = ('File',)

and then called it like:

child_file = models.File.create(processing=False, type=output_file['type'], file=file_record, original_filename=filename)

however, when trying to call this, I'm getting the following error:

TypeError: <File: 9f353838-f362-454d-8d96-126451eae882> is not JSON serializable

You also need to create the inverse relation if you wish to create models like this. You need to define the belongs_to relation. Currently, your File model doesn't know that it can receive a file key that is part of a relation. It treats it like a normal field and tries to JSON serialize its contents.

You are completely right.