Output to file instead of folder
slinnarsson opened this issue · 6 comments
Since the output is a single CEF file, it would be better to just write that file directly (and not put it inside a run folder).
Ok so we provide just this output for now?
What else did you have in mind?
plots, correlation matrix, other formats? ...maybe is unnecessary though.
Ok I will make the change. How do I update it on github?
You need git. See http://rogerdudler.github.io/git-guide/
git clone https://github.com/linnarsson-lab/BackSPIN
Make changes locally on your laptop
git add
git commit -m "Made some changes"
git push
Might be a good idea to make a separate tool for visualizing a CEF file. Correlation matrix, barplots, histograms - then it could be used on any CEF i.e. one clustered by other methods.
Sure, with matplotlib is quite straightforward. Even interactive heat map like the one I am used to work with could be useful.