
Fresh install not working even with latest ver "" and MySQL v8.0

vinodsashi opened this issue · 3 comments


As per your recommendation, I took the latest OpenIdeal version "" which uses composer 2 but still have the same Installation issue with MySQL v8.0.19. The I took latest OpenIdeal version "" and still have the same issue.
Is this latest version still not compatible with MySQL 8 ?
Could you please let us the resolution please. Thanks.


Hello @vinodsashi,

I ran into the exact same problem trying to install on a fresh Ubuntu 22.04 LTS machine. The problem is the MySQL v8.0 database. OpenIdeaL is generating the sql for creating the groups-table during installation. groups is a sql keyword with MySQL v8.0 and wasn't with previous releases. From my point of view, the Drupal 8/PHP 7.4 base of OpenIdeaL is not up to date for newer MySQL versions. You can stick with a MySQL version 5.x if your operating system is supporting it. But I switched to Maria DB 10.10, which is a fork from MySQL that is very popular. This way you can use a current Maria DB release that supports the installation right away.

I added a new WIKI page for setting up OpenIdeaL 3.0.9 on Ubuntu 22.04:,-Debian-and-others)

Hello @futurearchitec,
Thanks a lot for the response. Yes, seems the Drupal 8/PHP 7.4 base of OpenIdeaL is not compatible with newer MySQL version including v8.0.
I also tried with MySQL v 5.7.40 and am getting a different error. I have posted it here, could you please help out on this.

Thanks in advance.

Hello @vinodsashi,

I ran into the exact same problem trying to install on a fresh Ubuntu 22.04 LTS machine. The problem is the MySQL v8.0 database. OpenIdeaL is generating the sql for creating the groups-table during installation. groups is a sql keyword with MySQL v8.0 and wasn't with previous releases. From my point of view, the Drupal 8/PHP 7.4 base of OpenIdeaL is not up to date for newer MySQL versions. You can stick with a MySQL version 5.x if your operating system is supporting it. But I switched to Maria DB 10.10, which is a fork from MySQL that is very popular. This way you can use a current Maria DB release that supports the installation right away.

I added a new WIKI page for setting up OpenIdeaL 3.0.9 on Ubuntu 22.04:,-Debian-and-others)

Hello @vinodsashi,

I ran into the exact same problem trying to install on a fresh Ubuntu 22.04 LTS machine. The problem is the MySQL v8.0 database. OpenIdeaL is generating the sql for creating the groups-table during installation. groups is a sql keyword with MySQL v8.0 and wasn't with previous releases. From my point of view, the Drupal 8/PHP 7.4 base of OpenIdeaL is not up to date for newer MySQL versions. You can stick with a MySQL version 5.x if your operating system is supporting it. But I switched to Maria DB 10.10, which is a fork from MySQL that is very popular. This way you can use a current Maria DB release that supports the installation right away.

I added a new WIKI page for setting up OpenIdeaL 3.0.9 on Ubuntu 22.04:,-Debian-and-others)

Fails when I follow the instructions to the letter.................. "The Service 'votingapi_reaction.manager" has a dependency on a non-existent service "extension.path.resolver'

Any ideas? Assume it's an issue in the package?