
setup| error! failed to find 'fzfx.nvim' plugin!

tssm opened this issue · 5 comments

Hey! I've wanted to try this plug-in for a while, but I kept getting the following error immediately after launching Neovim:

E5113: Error while calling lua chunk: ...share/nvim/site/pack/plugins/start/fzfx/lua/fzfx/log.lua:153: |fzfx.module - setup| error! failed to find 'fzfx.nvim' plugin!
stack traceback:
	[C]: in function 'error'
	...share/nvim/site/pack/plugins/start/fzfx/lua/fzfx/log.lua:153: in function 'throw'
	...share/nvim/site/pack/plugins/start/fzfx/lua/fzfx/log.lua:161: in function 'ensure' in function 'setup' in function <>

My understanding of the code is that the location of FZFX itself should being assigned to an environment variable, but for some reason it fails on my set-up. I presume that it's related to the way I'm installing it: I don't use a plug-in manager, instead I manage them with Nix, however I get the error even if I install it by cloning the repository in ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/whatever/start, which is pretty standard. Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance! I can't wait to try it, looks pretty awesome!

hi @tssm , nvim standard pack installation method is not been tested, thanks to report, I will look into it.

hi @tssm , I'm using this ( minimal init lua file to try to re-produce this issue. But it seems it's working on my local machine correctly.

Here's my working directory:

# the local fzfx.nvim plugin directory:

And neovim pack:

# the pack/*/start directory:

I'm starting it with:

nvim -u test/minimal_packadd_init.lua

And running FzfxFiles command:


Thanks for the help! ❤️ By following your Instructions I found the issue: I dropped the .nvim suffix from the root directory, I should have figured this out by myself, sorry 🙈

But now that I have your attention, a quick question: Looks like the FZF dependency is there only to make sure that the binary is on the system, right? So it should work without that dependency as long as I make sure FZF is installed on my system?

Thanks for the help! ❤️ By following your Instructions I found the issue: I dropped the .nvim suffix from the root directory, I should have figured this out by myself, sorry 🙈

But now that I have your attention, a quick question: Looks like the FZF dependency is there only to make sure that the binary is on the system, right? So it should work without that dependency as long as I make sure FZF is installed on my system?

it could be. maybe I can try to make the dependency optional.

Oh, I just realized it's mandatory. I thought I had it working without it. No worries, it's fine. Thanks again!