
bug: FzfxFileExplorer -> Cannot cd into a directorie with ALT-L on mac

nstirnemann7 opened this issue · 4 comments

Its how the title says, if I press ALT-l nothing happens, if I press ALT-L = Ò, that symbol appears, the easy solution would be to change the keymaps, but i dont find in the config how to change the default keymaps for FzfxFileTree


After pression ALT-SHIFT-L


After pressing ALT-l


System : Latest Macos
Using : lsd in replacement of ls
Neovim Version : nightly
Plugin Manager: Lazy
Config for fzxf: don't pass any opts

On WSL works as intended

hi @nstirnemann7, I am not in front of my keyboard now, will check later.

hi @nstirnemann7 , you can use below config (use CTRL-L to cd into, use CTRL-H to go upper):

    file_explorer = {
        interactions = {
            cd = {
                key = "ctrl-l",
            upper = {
                key = "ctrl-h",

Based on different terminal app (iterm2 on macOS, Windows Terminal on Windows, gnome terminal on ubuntu gnome, and others like wezterm, alacritty, kitty), some ctrl/alt keys could be override by terminal app.

(It's true that this plugin's configs is quite complicated), you can refer to:

M.interactions = {
cd = {
key = "alt-l",
interaction = M._cd_file_explorer,
reload_after_execute = true,
upper = {
key = "alt-h",
interaction = M._upper_file_explorer,
reload_after_execute = true,

hi @nstirnemann7 , you can use below config (use CTRL-L to cd into, use CTRL-H to go upper):

    file_explorer = {
        interactions = {
            cd = {
                key = "ctrl-l",
            upper = {
                key = "ctrl-h",

Based on different terminal app (iterm2 on macOS, Windows Terminal on Windows, gnome terminal on ubuntu gnome, and others like wezterm, alacritty, kitty), some ctrl/alt keys could be override by terminal app.

(It's true that this plugin's configs is quite complicated), you can refer to:

M.interactions = {
cd = {
key = "alt-l",
interaction = M._cd_file_explorer,
reload_after_execute = true,
upper = {
key = "alt-h",
interaction = M._upper_file_explorer,
reload_after_execute = true,

This Works! Thanks! I assume this problem happen in the mayority of 60% percentege keyboards, where random combinations give you symbols or glyphs because the keyboard is too short (ALT-l = ¬) (ALT-h = ˙)
