
Buffer previewer (?) affects WinOpts

savchenko opened this issue · 11 comments

Running buffer selector using v5.1.6 creates the following window:


In the subsequent versions, it returns this:


Is this a bug or a change of spec?

Running buffer selector using v5.1.6 creates the following window:


In the subsequent versions, it returns this:


Is this a bug or a change of spec?

should be a bug, I will take a look

hi @savchenko,

please set let g:fzfx_disable_buffer_previewer=1 to disable the buffer previewer as a workaround.

I will fix this issue.

hi @savchenko ,

I refactored the popup window layout calculation in #609 , now I need a test case to confirm it can fix this issue.

Can I reproduce this issue with the buffers configuration you post here: ?

@linrongbin16 , Yes, I can reproduce it using that snippet and c3b860f

hi @savchenko , thanks to your report & help, #609 has finally fixed this issue, please pull main branch and try again!

BTW, I renamed the wiki you editted to Advanced Configuration