
Feature Request: General :Fzfx command

Opened this issue · 2 comments

would open a popup menu with all fzfx sub commands, and descriptions of what they do.

kind of like the general :Telescope command where you can then pick the sub-telescope commands

hi @jam1015 ,

it is more about the product design, when I first create this plugin, I am from fzf.vim, and its design is multiple user commands, so I also followed that pattern.

if re-write this plugin, make a all in one command Fzfx, and remove others. It brings a lot of break changes. And I don't feel it makes the use more friendly.

on the other hand, I can see that, it will reduce the plugin initialize time, because registered user commands are reduced to only 1.

let me think about it, I will pend this issue for now.

Related to #525