
Error with Live Grep on Windows 11

Sawansunar56 opened this issue · 6 comments


I was trying out your plugin because it has windows support, and I got it to work for almost everything except for live grep.

To elaborate, when I run FzfxLiveGrep, it opens up the menu with a list of all the searches but, as soon as I type any character, it produces the error command failed.

Before pressing any character
Screenshot 2023-08-20 020138

After pressing any character
Screenshot 2023-08-20 020156

I tried reinstalling it multiple times but nothing seems to suffice.

Please help me on this one.

hi @Sawansunar56,

would you please try this command:

sleep 0.1 && rg

and give me the output.

Hi, @Sawansunar56,
you can set live_grep.other_opts.onchange_reload_delay=nil, it may be fixed.

Hi, @Sawansunar56, you can set live_grep.other_opts.onchange_reload_delay=nil, it may be fixed.

@linrongbin16 Thank you for the help.

This command fixed my problem and now everything works. Also, just to be sure, I changed this value in the config file.

Is there a simple way, to just search current buffer? I seemed to cannot find anything related to it in the readme, it would be helpful for me.

Also, I appreciate the good work.

This command fixed my problem and now everything works. Also, just to be sure, I changed this value in the config file.

It is correct. The root cause is that your Windows didn't have the sleep command. I will improve the readme doc to add a tutorial about how to install linux commands on Windows. (because this plugin heavily need many linux commands such as mv, sleep, cp) That is actually a dependency for Windows.

Is there a simple way, to just search current buffer? I seemed to cannot find anything related to it in the readme, it would be helpful for me.

There's no way to only search on current buffer. I think we can simply use / and start searching?

I also improved the README doc for Windows dependency in #86, please see:

I also improved the README doc for Windows dependency in #86, please see:

Yeah, that would make things easier. Thanks for the quick reply.