
Stop threshold not working any more on LG Gram [Debian Sid, kernel 6.9.7]

Closed this issue ยท 34 comments

[x] I've read and accepted the Bug Reporting Howto
[x] I've provided all required tlp-stat outputs via Gist (see below)

Describe the bug

I'm not quite sure if this is more of a TLP bug or a support request for something else in the system, but here I go. My laptop is running Debian Sid with kernel 6.9.7 and with secure boot enabled.

After a recent apt upgrade, I'm getting a message to disable secure boot to make third party drivers work in my system (I never had an issue so far for the year that I've had this laptop, and the dkms signing key is registered in the system so that drivers signed by dkms are accepted), which I'm refusing. More or less at the same time (not 100% sure), the battery charge limit to 80% stopped working. I used to set this threshold in KDE's system settings (which I think relies on TLP), but now my 80% value gets overridden to 50% in the KDE battery settings and ignored anyway as the battery gets charged to 100%. I've manually enabled the tlp service with systemctl and it's working correctly, however tlp-stat tells me that my system is not supported (but it was until a few days ago), here is the output of tlp-stat:

If I try to manually edit /sys/devices/platform/lg-laptop/battery_care_limit with nano, I get this warning message in the text editor (as root of course):

[ Errore durante la scrittura del file di lock /sys/devices/platform/lg-laptop/.battery_care_limit.swp: Permesso negato ]

I'm sorry it's in Italian, it translates to something like: Error during writing lock file /sys/[...]: Permission denied.

If I try to input 80 and save the file, when I quit nano the value inside the file is still 0.

At this point I'm not quite sure if something has changed tlp-wise, kernel-wise, or what else. I'm happy to help debug to figure this out. I also have slimbook battery installed, I'm not sure if it's relevant or not.

I used to set this threshold in KDE's system settings (which I think relies on TLP)

No, it doesn't. It directly writes to charge_control_end_threshold (see below).

I also have slimbook battery installed, I'm not sure if it's relevant or not.

The FAQ says

Slimbook Battery: uses TLP as a backend to apply power saving measures. However, it continuously overwrites your TLP configuration. If you wish to configure TLP individually, you must first uninstall Slimbook Battery.

Normally there would be no support for your constellation here.

However, I am interested in why the stop threshold cannot be written. For kernel 6.9 /sys/devices/platform/lg-laptop/battery_care_limit is no longer used for this but /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_control_end_threshold.

Please show the output of

grep . /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_control*

echo "80" | sudo tee /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_control_end_threshold

echo "80" | sudo tee /sys/devices/platform/lg-laptop/battery_care_limit

Btw: editing with nano is not suitable for changing sysfs nodes.

Hello, and thank you for your reply. I turned off slimbook battery for the moment while we try to solve this. Also good to know that nano is not the way to go in this case - I didn't know that. Anyway, here's the output you asked for:

root@hactar:/usr/lib/modules# grep . /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_control*
root@hactar:/usr/lib/modules# echo "80" | tee /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_control_end_threshold
root@hactar:/usr/lib/modules# cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_control_end_threshold
root@hactar:/usr/lib/modules# echo "80" | tee /sys/devices/platform/lg-laptop/battery_care_limit
root@hactar:/usr/lib/modules# cat /sys/devices/platform/lg-laptop/battery_care_limit

It looks like the files are not being written... I've also tried to restart tlp.service and to input 80 in KDE's systemsettings, but both files are still at 0. Should I try to boot with kernel 6.8.12 (I still have it installed) to see if it goes back to working as usual? I understand that there was a change between the 6.8 and 6.9 kernel series?

Of course. I assumed right from the start that this is a kernel issue. The commands were used to work that out. Whether and what has been changed? I have no idea.

The other possibility would be a recent BIOS update.

It's definitely not a BIOS update, as there haven't been any for this laptop. I rebooted back to kernel 6.8.12 and now everything works again straight after reboot, without even needing to re-set the values:

root@hactar:/home/iacopo# cat /sys/devices/platform/lg-laptop/battery_care_limit
root@hactar:/home/iacopo# cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_control_end_threshold

So definitely there's something in kernel 6.9.7 that is messing this up. I'm unsure if I should continue debugging with you or if I should open a bug with Debian or with Linux directly?

I'm unsure if I should continue debugging with you or if I should open a bug with Debian or with Linux directly?

There is nothing more to debug on the kernel level that I could help with. You may continue with a Debian bug report.

Just for the record, I would like to have the output of

sudo tlp-stat -s -b

with the 6.8 kernel.

Ok then, I'll keep you posted (and link the Debian bug report) in case there's anything you need to know for the future! In the meantime, here's the output you asked for:

This is the bug opened with the Debian team, in case someone wants to follow it:

Hi there! I'm on Arch with power-profiles-daemon using 2023 ver. LG Gram 17, and I have the same issue after a recent kernel update (can't tell which one exactly, but the most recent kernel Linux 6.9.9-arch-1-1 is not fixing it.) It seems like the issue is caused by a kernel problem independent of distributions. Should there be more testings needed I'll be happy to help!


I am on Debian Sid KDE 5.27 too. I don't have power-profiles-daemon.

I don't understand why the threshold parameter is randomly not honored, but waking up from sleep or even rebooting my laptop (lenovo ideapad) seems to sometimes fix it.
It's not uncommon for me to find it not working, AFK, come back at the lock screen and finally see it working properly. It's really strange.

And sometimes it works without a fuss for several days in a row, with no updates in-between.

I am suspecting that there is a conflict with KDE because when it doesn't work, and I hover the battery icon, I can briefly see for less than a second a message akin to "not charging" and then right away it says "charging"

It's either this or something broke in the kernel. Kernel 6.10 doesn't seem to fix it.

The strange thing is that when it doesn't work, systemctl tells me that tlp was running and applied the battery threshold.

computer tlp[1561]: Applying power save settings...done.
computer tlp[1561]: Setting battery charge thresholds...done.

(I am commenting on this issue instead of opening a new one, because it seems relevant, please tell me if I should open a new issue instead).

@Emily511511 this bug is specifically for issues related to the LG Gram laptop. Since you have a Lenovo, maybe better open a new one?

In the meantime, I have some updates: I've contacted the kernel module maintainer and he said everything works for him on Fedora and a 2017 laptop. He gave me the source of the lg_laptop module present in kernel version 6.8.12 and told me to compile it and use it instead of the one already present in the Debian kernel. It took me a while to compile it (compiling issues) and sign it, but I managed. So far, the issue remains with this version of the module as well on kernel 6.9.12 (Sid has updated the kernel in the meantime). I'll keep you posted. @tixwho if you want to give me your email address I can add you to the email chain of my conversation with the kernel module maintainer now that I'm going to reply to him.

@Emily511511 : your post is offtopic here, please file your own issue and remember to show the complete output of

sudo tlp-stat -s -b -c

@iacchi any news on this?

I've managed to convince the kernel module author that it's a general problem, because I could reproduce the issue on Fedora as well. The problem is that everything works on his older laptop, so now it's up to me to do the debugging by running git bisect on the kernel repo and a looooot of compiling to find the offending commit, so that he can address the issue. This will take a while because my time now is limited due to work reasons for the next couple of months, and as you can imagine compiling and testing X number of kernels is not quick. I'll keep you all posted. Since it's definitely not a TLP issue, it's up to you to decide if you want to keep this issue open just to receive updates or if you want to close it.

A tough piece of work for you. Good luck.

I'll keep this open for visibility.

For what it's worth, I'm running stock Ubuntu 24.04 on 6.8.0 and am seeing this issue as well. I'll try upgrading and seeing if it fixes the issue.

For what it's worth, I'm running stock Ubuntu 24.04 on 6.8.0 and am seeing this issue as well. I'll try upgrading and seeing if it fixes the issue.

That's weird, I have no issue with the 6.8 kernel series. This may be worth investigating. All more recent kernels are broken afaik.

@iacchi Ubuntu backports fixes from 6.9 ff. to their 6.8.

One short question, 6.8 and 6.9 are EOL! So what need to fix something?

One short question, 6.8 and 6.9 are EOL! So what need to fix something?

The regression for me happened between 6.8.12 and 6.9.7, and it persists also in current kernels, so it's important to figure out where the regression started.

@iacchi Ubuntu backports fixes from 6.9 ff. to their 6.8.

I'm not sure I understood this sentence. What happened in Ubuntu again?

EDIT: never mind, I think I understood. Ubuntu implemented some stuff from 6.9 in the 6.8 line, did I get it right? Hence breaking it for 6.8 as well.

One short question, 6.8 and 6.9 are EOL! So what need to fix something?

The regression for me happened between 6.8.12 and 6.9.7, and it persists also in current kernels, so it's important to figure out where the regression started.

Have you tried out 6.10.7?

@iacchi correct. Kernel 6.8 is part of their 24.04 LTS, so they have to maintain it for 5 years which means backporting patches from newer stable kernels.

Have you tried out 6.10.7?

Not yet, but 6.10.4 was still broken.


The ACPI device ID has changed cause this the issue?

So the driver maintainer knew all along about the issue from other users as well and knew that a possible patch existed and didn't tell me anything. Fun.

Ok, so, I had a chance to reboot to 6.10.7 and the issue is now fixed, likely thanks to the work in and maybe

I guess good thing I didn't have the time to start bisecting? But it would have been nice if the driver maintainer could have pointed me to those couple of bugs...

Well that's great! I guess it's time to upgrade kernel.

Side note, did you experience any issues with the brightness media keys taking forever to register after pressing them? Volume media keys seem to work fine but the brightness ones specifically appear to take 10-15 seconds after pressing to register.

Side note, did you experience any issues with the brightness media keys taking forever to register after pressing them? Volume media keys seem to work fine but the brightness ones specifically appear to take 10-15 seconds after pressing to register.

No, mine are immediate. I've read in the various discussions something along those lines, though. Check your dmesg and ACPI errors - people on reddit were suggesting to disable a kernel parameter. I think the post was this one:

Figured out the issue was caused by acpi_mask_gpe=0x6E in my grub cmdline. I had initially added it there from reading reddit about acpi errors, but it seems like causes problems.


Ok, so, I had a chance to reboot to 6.10.7 and the issue is now fixed,

Note to self: add 6.10.7 to the FAQ and BCVS.

But it would have been nice if the driver maintainer could have pointed me to those couple of bugs...

Oh yeah.

Adding that I installed the Ubuntu mainline kernel 6.10.9 which also resolved the issue. Seems likely it was that linked patch which fixed it.

Thank you! Maybe it's time to close this bug at this point?
