
"Discover Weekly" playlist not updating

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I use MacOS
I ran a new terminal, logged into YT Music, and opened the graphic UI. I loaded my Spotify playlists. And I tried to copy my "Discover Weekly" playlist to YT music. However, the song list seems frozen to when I first ran the program last week. For context, the "Discover Weekly" playlist changes every week, so I tried to save each week's song list to YT music. However, as I said, the song list is not matching the current song list that I see on Spotify. However, I could see that the number of songs in other playlists have changed, suggesting that they were all updated. Again for context, the "Discover Weekly" playlist is always 30 songs.

A possible explanation could be that the program updates its backup only when the song number changes? Or maybe I need to delete and redownload the program for it to load the new song list...?

It's because it copies the backup you make first so if you dont make a new spotify playlist backup then it will just transfer the same one