Docker image not working
Closed this issue · 1 comments
tagny commented
Hi. I've tried to download the pre-built image from docker-hub using this command in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS:
sudo docker pull lintoai/linto-platform-stt-standalone-worker:latest
I runned it using the command:
sudo docker run -p 8888:8888 -v /home/me/linto_shared/AM_fr-FR:/opt/models/AM -v /home/me/linto_shared/DG_fr-FR_Small:/opt/models/LM -v /home/me/linto_shared/swagger.yml:/opt/swagger.yml lintoai/linto-platform-stt-standalone-worker:latest
and here is the result:
INFO:__stt-standelone-worker__:Create the new config files
INFO:__stt-standelone-worker__:Create based on phones.txt
INFO:__stt-standelone-worker__:Load acoustic model and decoding graph
LOG (VoskAPI:Configure():vosk/ Loading decode config file from /opt/config/online.conf
LOG (VoskAPI:ComputeDerivedVars() Computing derived variables for iVector extractor
LOG (VoskAPI:ComputeDerivedVars() Done.
LOG (VoskAPI:ReadDataFiles():vosk/ Am model file /opt/models/AM/.//final.mdl
LOG (VoskAPI:RemoveOrphanNodes() Removed 1 orphan nodes.
LOG (VoskAPI:RemoveOrphanComponents() Removing 2 orphan components.
LOG (VoskAPI:Collapse() Added 1 components, removed 2
LOG (VoskAPI:CompileLooped() Spent 0.022691 seconds in looped compilation.
LOG (VoskAPI:ReadDataFiles():vosk/ Loading HCLG from /opt/models/LM/HCLG.fst
LOG (VoskAPI:ReadDataFiles():vosk/ Loading words from /opt/models/LM/words.txt
LOG (VoskAPI:ReadDataFiles():vosk/ Loading winfo /opt/models/LM/
LOG (VoskAPI:ReadDataFiles():vosk/ Ivector silence weighting is deactivated
but trying http://localhost:8888/
in my browser says :
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Please can anyone tell me why it doesn't work ?