
Could you add an option to the extension that might prevent to interfere in placement with the others in the status bar?

kanansnote opened this issue ยท 11 comments

I'm using the Dash to Panel extension for customizing the status bar, and your extension for displaying icons in there. I'm not sure which options I should use to be able to hide the apps under the text (just as in the original status bar), and it seems there's none. Thus, It's possible that it's in conflict with other extensions, causing them to cross the border when you open many apps at once. Take a look at this screenshot:

Screenshot from 2023-03-22 13-56-19

Please, let me know if there is anything you can do about it. Thanks.

Well, it looks odd. I use scroll view as a container for the taskbar and it should respect width of the parent box and it does when added to the default panel. I haven't tested it with Dash To Panel btw, probably DtP does something weird...
I can try to find a workaround and would be nice if you can share some details about Dash to Panel configuration to reproduce the issue.

Sure. Here it is.

Hi there. Are there any updates regarding this issue?

@kanansnote not yet.
I did try to reproduce it but without luck. I'm not sure about the extensions you have in the panel besides rocketbar, could you please list them?

I have several extensions on my system, so I think I'll mainly mention to you the ones that located near the icons, which I suspect of being in conflicts with your extension. So there are Resource Monitor, OpenWeather and Uptime Indicator.

I think that in general, the extension will conflict with almost all the ones that nearly located with yours. But in any case, here is the list of extensions that I use.

Well it defenetly looks like DtP issue, because left/right/center boxes of the panel can overlap each other but they should not do that.
As a workaround I would suggest you to limit the max size of the rocketbar's taskbar using css stylesheet.
To do so:

  1. open ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/
  2. add the following to the end of the file
    #taskbar { max-width: 200px; }
  3. 200px - just for example, try different values, 300px, 400px and so on
  4. Save the file and restart your session

If the workaround works for you and good enough, I will add such config option to the extension itself.

Ok, I guess that can be a good approach to making it work for now. Thanks.

Hi there @ChepKun. It's me again. So, after using with #taskbar { max-width: 200px; }, now I'm noticing that scrolling between icons are too fast and that makes me have trouble to switch to the other window near to the icon itself. I tried to use transition-duration: 10s, which meant to adjust the value to control of scrolling, but I'm not sure if that's actually working and right solution for this case.

Hey @kanansnote.
This is controlled by the animation speed in js code.

  1. open ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/
  2. find _scrollToAppButton function
  3. find adjustment.ease(...) line and change duration: 100 to duration: 200 or whatever works for you
  4. Save the file and restart your session

Please let me know if it helps.

Yeah. That worked. Thanks.

@kanansnote you're welcome!
I'll make this value configurable