
10.4.3 and 11.0.0

Closed this issue · 9 comments


Could you please publish a script for the above recent versions.
Thanks in advance.

@rvdheij When you can, please share the steps for producing
Want to build & use outside a container.
Thanks in advance!

@eaibmz I tried following along from your commit, to build natively in linux (without docker), and I still hit the issue with nx saying unsupported platform at yarn build.

Please advise how I can build natively in linux.

@eaibmz I tried following along from your commit, to build natively in linux (without docker), and I still hit the issue with nx saying unsupported platform at yarn build.

Please advise how I can build natively in linux.

I also get it now for Grafana 10.4.5 but somehow it is not fatal while building a Docker image.
But in case of Grafana 11.1.0 it seems to be fatal.
Looking into it.

Neale has raised nrwl/nx#26772.
Thank you @nealef!

Any luck? nx has now merged in support for wasi target.

Security scanners are now alerting to another CVE:
Is there any update on this?

@JoshWisniewski00 11.1.0 is now here -
But it re-distributes front end components from x86_64.
It works, but worth knowing about, in case you see any weirdness.

Closing as 11.1.0 was added. The front-end assets are not built on s390x, but a re-distribution of the ones from x86_64. It still works.