
SAMA5D2 Xplained board kirkstone and rustc support

elockman opened this issue · 2 comments

This may not be an issue.

I am having issues with building rust packages with dunfell. It is my understanding that kirstone has rust built-in.

The sama5d2 xplained board website still shows the dunfell branch for the instructions.

@gehariprasath is this board now supported by kirkstone? If not, is there an ETA on kirkstone support?

@elockman ,
There shouldn't be a difference between Dunfell and Kirkstone about Rust package. It's a kind of "known" issue with some of the certificates when downloading Rust packages. Search on the web for "rust download certificate issue" and your special error log to have answers. It's usually a matter of installing an additional certificate to your system.

Kirkstone will be released on our boards very soon (within the next ~5-10 days). Sama5d2 xplained is not part of our main board set anymore but porting to it from sama5d27 som1 ek should be pretty easy. Stay tuned on
Best regards,

Thank you, @noglitch !