
Elektron resource converter output seems to be inverted.

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Fuel cells operate at a ratio of 2:1 hydrogen & oxygen -> electricity + water.

The Elektron which reverses the process, however converts with a 1:2 ratio, effectively transmogrifying hydrogen into oxygen.

From testing:

  • Inputs
    • Hydrogen: 26536 (double height wedge)
    • Oxygen: 13268 (single height wedge)
    • Alkaline fuel cell
    • Misc. load to drain fuel cell + batteries.
  • After running fuel cell to depletion
    • Hydrogen: 168 units remain (not too much of a concern, a rounding error brought on by timewarp or floating point inprecision)
    • Water: 21.33
  • After running Elektron (solar powered, fuel cell is off)
    • Hydrogen: 13184
    • Oxygen: 26536
    • Water: 0

This looks to have been a typo, as the config files have opposite ordering of hydrogen/oxygen between fuel cells and the Elektron.

side note: I don't think there's any issue with the tiny amount of left over hydrogen, and I don't think the Elektron should/has to be a perfect conversion back (some loss in the conversion would be acceptable as a way to give the part a certain lifespan before it needs topping up. Hydrogen is a pain to keep stored, so some loss would be expected..) but not at quite the ratio exhibited, especially when it ends up producing even more O2.