
Screensaver showing "Something's wrong..." when switching back to user

keithmendozasr opened this issue · 1 comments

 * Cinnamon-Screensaver version (cinnamon-screensaver --version): 5.2.1
 * Distribution - (Mint 17.2, Arch, Fedora 25, etc...): Linux Mint 20.3
 * Graphics hardware *and* driver used: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Nvidia driver 510.73.05
 * 32 or 64 bit: 64 bit

Screensaver crashes when switching to another user and switching back to the user that had the screensaver running

Steps to reproduce

  1. Let screensaver start
  2. Click on the "switch user" button
  3. Login to another user
  4. Logout the other user
  5. In the login dialog enter user A's credentail

Expected behaviour
User that activated the screensaver should be able to log back in after User B logged out.

Other information

This has come up for me twice in the past week. Was there a recent update that broke something?