
system-monitor-graph@rcassani: new version 1.4 stops working for HDD

PRSoftware opened this issue · 3 comments


Linux Mint 21 Cinnamon

After upgrading the desklet from version 1.3 to version 1.4, it stops functioning for HDD if the "Filesystem to monitor" is configured as "/" (the root directory of the filesystem).

Error is logged in Looking Glass :

error t=2022-08-20T12:32:42Z [Error: Expected type string for argument 'text' but got type number]: Failed to evaluate 'main' function on desklet: system-monitor-graph@rcassani/14
error t=2022-08-20T12:32:43Z 
[system-monitor-graph@rcassani]: Desklet system-monitor-graph@rcassani: Could not create desklet object.
[system-monitor-graph@rcassani]: Error importing desklet.js from system-monitor-graph@rcassani

It is ok if this parameter is set to any directory inside the filesystem.

Hey @PRSoftware, it seems is the Filesystem label that is returned when doing $ df /

Does the problem persist if you put a Filesystem label as below?


Hello Raymundo,

Thanks for your quick answer.

The result of the "df /" command is (my system is configured in French):

Sys. de fichiers blocs de 1K    Utilisé Disponible Uti% Monté sur
/dev/sda5         1920696860 1131657744  691399712  63% /

I cannot change the "Filesystem label" parameter in the interactive configuration window because the desklet is frozen as soon as I select the root filesystem ("/") in the "Filesystem to monitor" parameter.

To identify and correct the problem, I have manually edited the configuration file (changed the value of the parameter "filesystem" from "/" to "file:///home") and restarted Cinnamon.

This issue is solved.
Can you close it?