
Mint-Y-Dark: unfocused window title should be darker, to get a bold difference between focused and unfocused

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There aren't much visual differences between focused and unfocused windows. How do I know if it is focused or not ? I look at the title. So, the title should be clearly visible on the focused windows, while being barely readable on the unfocused windows. Now, I looked at the contrasts values as calculated on and made this little table:


Theme variant and window Text / Background = Contrast
Light, focused #404040 / #E8E8E8 = 8.46
Light, unfocused #9D9D9D / #E8E8E8 = 2.21
Dark, focused #E3E3E3 / #2B2B2B = 11.03
Dark, unfocused #A7A7A7 / #2B2B2B = 5.89 !!

Compare the contrasts values for the light, unfocused, versus the dark, unfocused. That's 2.21 versus 5.89. So, I suggest the dark, unfocused should get about the same low contrast as the light theme variant: around 2.21. More precisely: #606060.

Theme variant and window Text / Background = Contrast
Dark, unfocused, v2 #606060 / #2B2B2B = 2.25

Re-edited Mint-Y-Dark:


All I had to do was to change line 99 in src/Mint-Y/gtk-3.0/sass/_colors.scss to $wm_title_unfocused: if($variant == 'light', #9d9d9d, #606060); to achieve this !