
Some ideas a Windows user would like

luisrguerra opened this issue ยท 2 comments

I have recently started developing an icon theme for Linux following Microsoft's Fluent Design used in Windows 11 (I believe it icon theme is the most advanced in the segment) and to have a better experience on Linux Mint I started to develop a modified version of the Mint-Y theme following the standards of Fluent Design. I think the result is getting very good and making Linux Mint very pleasant to use. I would like to share with you some of the ideas of the theme that could be applied in Linux Mint.

Mint Wow64 Cinnamon and GTK theme (GitHub)
Wow64 Icon Theme (GitHub)

Close window button in red and only showing when the mouse hover it:


More rounded corners and fewer accent colors at calendar menu:


Rounded tasks menu with glass effect and dark task bar a little more darker:


Glass Effect:

Floating menu with more rounded edges, and fewer accent colors :


The input form in this style was made with box-shadow property from css simulating an outline due to css limitations on Cinnamon.

Border contrast at Floating menu :


Blue colors from Windows for Blue Theme (Some people don't like green as accent color at the interface and Linux Mint blue themes colors don't look good):

#0167D5 for light backgrounds (recomended when accent color is used as background for white text)

#40bdff for dark backgrounds (recomended when accent color is used as background for black text)

For the green theme could be these (I haven't had time to develop a green version yet):

#00B25A for light backgrounds (recomended when accent color is used as background for white text)

#26FF8E for dark backgrounds (recomended when accent color is used as background for black text)

Some people don't like green as accent color at the interface and Linux Mint blue themes colors don't look good.

Oh yes ! I totally agree. I don't like this grayish-yellowish-greenish color called "Mint-Y". And I am not the only one. I can see it and feel it, just reading the forums and the web. And yes, the Mint-Y-Blue and Mint-Y-Aqua are not much better.

I am also working on this. I should take a look at your work on GitHub, but later, because I am currently totally overwhelmed by many complex things, reworking this forked mint-themes. I started with a new color palette, but there is much more than that going on on my computer.

You can take a look at my stuff, but please be aware that it is currently messy, as I am reworking lots of stuffs... Here : But it is really not ready, as I restarted from zero.



Thanks for the suggestions. A couple of these (like less accent colors and more rounded borders in the cinnamon theme) I'll talk with the others about and see about doing down the road.