
Cinnamon Desktop: dark variant should get the same selected-background-color as the other GTK Controls

SebastJava opened this issue · 2 comments

LinuxMint Cinnamon 20.3
Cinnamon 5.2.7

Where "Cinnamon Desktop" is the panel, Menu and Calendar, and "Controls" is the main GTK-3 theme.

Expected behavior
In cinnamon-settings themes, when selecting Mint-Y-Dark for both the "Controls" (gtk-3) and the "Desktop" (cinnamon), i would expect to get the exact same selected-background-color for both the Controls and the Desktop.

Actual behavior
In cinnamon-settings themes, when selecting Mint-Y-Dark for both the "Controls" (gtk-3) and the "Desktop" (cinnamon), i get the true Mint-Y-Dark #8FA876 for the Controls, while the Desktop gets the lighter Mint-Y #92B372, the one for the Mint-Y light theme.

Steps to reproduce
In LM Cinnamon 20.3: Menu > Preferences > Themes

  1. Controls: select Mint-Y-Dark
  2. Desktop: select Mint-Y-Dark

Now, use a color picker to compare the selected background color values for the Controls and the Desktop. They should be the same, but they are not: #8FA876 ≠ #92B372.


In src/Mint-Y/cinnamon/sass/_colors.scss, search for the line:
$selected_bg_color: #92b372;
replace with:
$selected_bg_color: if($variant == 'light', #92b372, #8fa876);

That's just a copy-paste from src/Mint-Y/gtk-3.0/sass/_colors.scss...

Now, next time you build the themes, you will get the correct values.

Additional information

  • I already did this. It works perfectly.
  • THIS IS IMPORTANT. All the other dark color variants are depending on this. The will replace all these #8FA876 with the y_hex_colors2 from the color array.


  • OP re-edited to the standard Ubuntu issue format (Expected behavior, Actual behavior, etc.).
  • I took the time to try to describe things in a clear and concise manner.

Done and merged.