
In Mint-X you can't see the selected button in dialogs

kmkom opened this issue · 5 comments

kmkom commented

Version: Linux Mint 21.1 with Cinnamon 5.6.5 (up to date).
In the Mint-X theme, you can't see which button has focus in dialogs. So you can't select the wanted button with the keyboard, because you don't have a visual feedback. In Mint-Y, the button in the dialog has a very thin dotted line and you have feedback about the selected button.
In the pictures for demonstration an example with the same dialog in Mint-X and Mint-Y.
In both dialogs the button "Abbrechen" (Cancel) was selected.
Mint-Y with thin dotted line around "Abbrechen":
Mint-X without any hint:
Thanks for reading.

kmkom commented

Is there a chance that this problem will be fixed in the next Mint version?
Thanks for reading.

Was Mint-X that way in older versions? Did it show those dotted focus lines? In most of Mint-X those focus lines were removed years ago as a design decision. If the removal in dialogs is a newer change, I'll look at fixing it.

kmkom commented

I'm not sure when it was dropped (accidentally?), but for example in Mint 19 there was still a green line around the selected button. So the user could easily see which button was selected with the cursor keys. Would be nice if the user could still see that in the future.
Thanks for reading.
From Mint 19 (Cancel button selected with the cursor keys):

kmkom commented

According to my attempts, Mint 20.3 Cinnamon was the last version with the green lines around the selected button in the Mint-X theme. As of Min 21, the visual feedback on the selected button is missing.

Cf. #428 and this Cinnamon issue, each of which is about Mint-Y. And the problem (with Mint-Y but also, I take it, with Mint-X) persists into Linux Mint 21.2.