
Let's update the logo!

Closed this issue ยท 9 comments

The Linux Mint logo has a 2010's feel to it. It's high time for a major upgrade! A new logo has been designed by ARYLUNEIX, and I've attached it here. Let's modernize Linux Mint!

Looks amazing! But I think maybe this is the wrong repo to publish this to...

Looks amazing! But I think maybe this is the wrong repo to publish this to...

Where i can publish this? Sorry for my bad english.

What does the cut mean?

Unfortunately...I don't like the logo. I mean, what should that be?

Soo uninteresting...don't be insulted, but...stupid.

I would leave Linux mint if the logo is adopted

This logo sucks

Constructive feedback is always a good thing but the comments here are getting a bit rude. This isn't the place for that.