
setting multple selected files as executable via properties doesn't work

DirkHaar opened this issue · 0 comments


Mint 21.3 Cinnamon

Package version




Bug description

When you select multiple files (like two newly written bash scripts here), open properties and choose permissions, checking "executable" and "close" seems to work, but it does nothing. Checking the properties one after the other shows both files marked as not executable. Marking them separately does work, selecting them together to remove the executable bit seems also wot work but also does nothing.

Steps to reproduce

Select simple files, right-click, properties, choose permissions, set "executable", close dialogue.
Check this property on the single files and see no effect of the former selection.
Marking them executable one by one and trying to unmark them at once also does not work.

Expected behavior


  • process all files as intended
  • or don't provide the option to set properties for a selection of files at once (i.e. probably "grey out" the setting),
  • or report "unable to mark them executable all at once" (while I don't know why some procedures should work for a list of files and this one should not).

Additional information

Changing user access options works for multiple files (I never had real problems with this, while changing multiple settings for owner/group/world at once sometimes glitch and have to be processed one after the other, without closing the dialogue - no idea why).
Changing "open with" for multiple files of the same type doesn't make much sense, but still it works as expected like changing the setting for a single file of that type.
Changing "open with" for multiple files of different types is not provided as an option (which makes some sense).