webapp-manager not launching anymore after using a gif as icon
djjldoooo opened this issue · 2 comments
djjldoooo commented
I get this error message after adding an app with a gif image.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/webapp-manager/webapp-manager.py", line 54, in activate
window = WebAppManagerWindow(self)
File "/usr/lib/webapp-manager/webapp-manager.py", line 215, in __init__
File "/usr/lib/webapp-manager/webapp-manager.py", line 522, in load_webapps
pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size(webapp.icon, -1,
gi.repository.GLib.GError: gdk-pixbuf-error-quark: Certaines images de l’image GIF n’ont pas été chargées. (6)
The french part means:"Some GIF images have not been loaded."
Mayday, is there any workaround???
Arquelf commented
If you just wish to run webapp-manager again just uninstall the app with the GIF as the icon and try running it,
the webapp-manager starts running again.
daviii-lopes commented
should it allow using gif as icon?