Title Bar Reappearing After Toggling it off in Firefox
simonbed29 opened this issue · 1 comments
So I have been having this little quirk with webapp manager. When using the Firefox browser and allowing the navigation bar I will go and try and turn off the title bar in the toolbar settings and only having tabs instead of the title bar that shows up. Firefox will allow the change but after a relaunch of the app, it will have the title bar back. Now, with some digging, I found that in the user.js created by webapp manger if you change browser.tabs.inTitlebar
to a 1 it will allow you to keep the setting between relaunches. Now this could be a toggle if you have Navigation Bar enabled you could unlock say a toggle that allows you to turn on and off the title bar that interacts with that specific setting in user.js if you are using Firefox. Just an idea but you all do not have to implement it.
However, if you are having this issue and want to know a fix for now you go to your .local folder in home directory then navigate to share/ice/firefox then choose your webapp you want to change. Find user.js and open it using a text editor. Look for user_pref("browser.tabs.inTitlebar", 0);
and change it to user_pref("browser.tabs.inTitlebar", 1);
then you will permanently not have a title bar
Thanks! This is exactly what i was looking for and it worked!
I have searched a way to remove the adressbar in firefox but it seems that it is not possible anymore :-(