
missing feature open in a specific folder

Closed this issue · 4 comments

ineuw commented
 * xed - Version 3.2.2
 * Linux Mint Cinnamon 20.3 

It's not possible to set a default folder where xed starts.

Steps to reproduce
Not possible

Expected behaviour
Ignore "last" folder and open in a pre-assigned folder.

I think it's due to the file browser plugin which set a key to open root folder in hte las opened file
you can disable it using dconf-editor and setting the key open-at-first-doc to false in /org/x/editor/plugins/filebrowser/

Or you can make a folder the default one right clickking on it and chosing mark it as root

ineuw commented

@tudo75 Thanks for the help. I made the change but Xed always opens in the user's home folder. I can specify a file, including the path, but a folder by itself. Can you please explain your statement below?

Or you can make a folder the default one right clicking on it and choosing mark it as root

@ineuw Set file path as root is what I suggested.
You can try my Restore Tabs plugin which reload last tabs opened and also the last file browser root folder

ineuw commented

Thanks for the suggestion about the path, and I installed the plugin. It satisfies my need.