
Text is hard to see in Tango theme when using dark mode.

Closed this issue · 1 comments

xed - Version 3.2.8
Linux Mint 21.1

Editing yaml file in xed and using dark mode, --- and \" is too dark in dark mode.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create file in light mode
- name: "Workstations : Fonts : Download - Akashi"
    url: ""
    dest: "~/.local/share/fonts/{{ \"\" | urlsplit('path') | basename }}"
  become: true
  become_user: "{{ user }}"
  loop: "{{ users }}"
    label: "{{ user }}"
    loop_var: "user"
      - root
      - user
  1. Go to Edit > Preferences > Theme and enable Dark Mode and select Tango theme.

Expected behaviour
Text is light enough when using dark mode. Other themes are working correctly.

Other information

There isn't really anything to be done here. The themes like Tango are supplied by GtkSourceView and maintained upstream from us. This has always been an issue. You just have to use a different theme if you are going to use dark mode.