
Rebase on gedit

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Gedit while being very simple by default can be scaled to a full blown code editor, it offers features that xed lacks such as external tools support. However it lacks things like proper dark mode support, so it is in a similar situation to gThumb with Pix, this could be a great opportunity to take advantage of it's features and more modern interface while also helping keep the projet alive since it is no longer a core GNOME app

I doubt this is going to happen. Gedit is the kind of app switching to headerbars that led to Xed being created in the first place. Gedit's interface is terrible. Any app with more than a few menu items is a mess with a headerbar. As far as I know the only "external tools" support that Xed has can all be added to Xed by just porting the plugins.