
Feature Request: Store Unsaved Document tabs in the user's temp files despite being unsaved for disaster recovery.

Opened this issue · 1 comments

 * Xed version (xed --version)

xed - Version 3.4.3

 * Distribution - (Mint 17.2, Arch, Fedora 25, etc...)



Unsaved documents cannot survive a disaster recovery scenario, such as a simulated one with #pkill -f -9 xed or my issue posted earlier this year #591

Steps to reproduce

Open a large enough binary/text file or simulate unexpected Xed death with #pkill -f -9 xed

Desired behaviour

Check a temp or cache dir for a backup copy of older data on next startup.

Perhaps something similar to how Vim handles cache files including for unsaved/unfinished file-editing sessions under ~/.cache/vim/swap/ - able to recover even from a kill -9 thanks to its swp files.

Other information


I do not know how big is this demand (no idea about the architecture of xed), however, as far as I can tell, no current linux text editor has this feature and it would be a killer one!
(ps. TextMate from the MacOS world has it).

This feature opens an entirely new set of use cases for the editor: you can use it to write down quick notes and never worry about saving. And of course it is then very disaster-safe.

My C is very very bad so I can only give a thumbs up to this demand....