
Xed finds \n or \\ when they don't actually exist in the document

Opened this issue · 0 comments

 * Xed version 3.4.5
 * Mint 21.3 Xfce

If your document is something like:


then find will actually find \n and \\ even though they do not exist in the current document.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open Xed
  2. Type test\ing on the first line
  3. Create a second line and type ing\test
  4. Go to SearchFind
  5. In the "Search for" text box, type either \n or \\

Expected behaviour

Xed should be not able to find \n or \\ when they are not present.

Other information

Tested using the newly-released non-beta live ISO.

May or may not be related to:

(which seems to be in perpetual limbo since the gnome devs want a test case in C which I nor the submitter of that bug have the knowledge on how to fulfill said request)