kernel specified in start.conf ignored on efi systems
Closed this issue · 2 comments
thoschi commented
In our image we have 2 kernel installed - the ubuntu standard kernel and a kernel for surface devices.
We have 2 hardware classes defined, using the same base image.
Recently we realized that the kernel specified in the surface hardware class (boot/vmlinuz-surface and initrd.img-surface) is ignored and instead the standard kernel is booted.
HappyBasher commented
I'm afraid I can't reproduce. I have
Kernel = vmlinuz.old
Initrd = initrd.img.old
entered into the start.conf as an alternative kernel and taken into the grub configs with linuxmuster-import-devices
. Then booted with
KernelOptions = quiet splash dhcpretry=5
KernelOptions = quiet splash dhcpretry=5 forcegrub warmstart=no
and both times the old kernel was booted correctly.
HappyBasher commented
Obviously a false report.