
Feature request: recurring bills and column for debit or deposit

lephtHanded opened this issue · 1 comments

this looks great, and I'm currently trying to figure out the best app to use.

are recurring events on the road map?

  • i get paid on a bi-weekly basis, so the dates can't be set to monthly
  • allowance to kids is every friday
  • rent is paid on the 3rd of each month
  • internet bill is paid on the 7th..
  • etc...
    you should be able to set the account/amount/envelope.
  • or maybe select a transaction and make it a recurring debt/deposit?

the other request is kind of me just being a lazy bones

  • i can't remember to put the (-) when i spend money
    when entering information in the transaction could there be 2 columns at the end?
    the first column could be for debt (maybe the input could be red) then the last column would be for deposit (green?)

also: dynamic left menu? instead of click to expand/collapse, a pin to keep it there otherwise collapses itself until mouse hover/over?

I also would love to see recurring events / goals, I used YNAB for strictly managing my bills, would love to see similar integration with setting an envelope to have a set amount due by