
Invalid or corrupt jarfile airsonic.war on latest

xeals opened this issue · 2 comments

xeals commented

I've just updated to the latest image and trying to run the container just gives nothing but

Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile airsonic.war

repeated in the logs.

Everything was working fine on the previous build (87, ID 0026a55e0322).

docker-compose entry:

  container_name: airsonic
  image: linuxserver/airsonic
  restart: unless-stopped
    - internal
    - ./music:/music
    - ./playlists:/playlists
    - ./airsonic/config:/config
    - ./airsonic/media:/media
    - ./podcasts:/podcasts
    PUID: 1000
    PGID: 1000

OS: Ubuntu 18.04
Docker: 17.12.1-ce
Docker-compose: 1.17.1

No issues here pulling a fresh image.
I see that your docker version is over a year old. Might be time to update it. Might also fix the issue.
If you haven't, you should install docker following the information on and not use versions from ræthe Ubuntu repositories.

there was an issue with the image , but it has since been rebuilt and this is resolved