
spotify support

snizzleorg opened this issue · 7 comments

would be nice.

I got this running (mostly) but it is nowhere near as nice as yours. So maybe Its a better idea to integrate the compile flag in your docker container.

i could revisit this, but at the time this was built couldn't nail the permissions for spotify compile with running as our dedicated user (abc)

i think i may have cracked it, i had the prefix for spotifiy at /usr/local , changed it to /usr and daapd no longer crashes with the spotifiy module compiled.

i don't have a spotifiy account so can't test.

I have an account and obviously can test.
I got it to compile correctly here:

I think the important bit is this part in the Dockerfile

RUN wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add - &&\
  wget -q -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mopidy.list &&\
  apt-get update &&\
  apt-get install -qy --force-yes libspotify-dev

maybe there is a better way....

i've already compiled it with spotifiy support.

curl -o /tmp/spotify_tar.gz -L && \
mkdir -p /tmp/spotify && \
tar xvf /tmp/spotify_tar.gz -C /tmp/spotify --strip-components=1 && \
cd /tmp/spotify && \
make install prefix=/usr

awesome. will try it out as soon as I find some time.

why was Spotify-support removed?

CHBMB commented

@thies226j Suggest you look here and here

In short, this container is broken and unless someone offers to help maintain it, we will have to drop it.