Image is not starting - can't find crt key
DonPavlov opened this issue · 3 comments
DonPavlov commented
Expected Behavior
The image starts, webserver is reachable
Current Behavior
The image is executed, started, but nothing happens. Webserver not reachable.
Installed on a Raspberry Pi 3.
Steps to Reproduce
- Use pi 3
- Start image
- Wait
- Nothing happens on webport.
Pi 3
Command used to create docker container (run/create/compose/screenshot)
docker run -d --name=grocy -e PUID=1000 -e PGID=1000 -e TZ=Europe/Berlin -p 9283:80 -v /home/pi/grocy:/config --restart unless-stopped
Docker logs
Roxedus commented
Look at line 11-19 in your log.
github-actions commented
DonPavlov commented
Thanks that fixed it. Startup still took something like 10 minutes but it works now.