
Unable to set Admin password.

Undergrid opened this issue · 13 comments

After a clean install of the 79 tag (current latest) docker image, I am unable to set the admin password.

When attempting to set the password, the blue activity spinner is shown and then nothing happens no matter how long you wait. When the admin page is reloaded (done manually), the page to set the admin password is redisplayed. No errors are displayed either in the container or in the web browser.

I tried the 78 tag and was able to set the admin password with that. I then upgraded to the 79 tag again and everything else seems to work fine, so the issue seems to be limited to setting the admin password.

Host OS: CentOS 7.4.1708
Docker: 17.12.0-ce, build c97c6d6
Logs: dockerlog.txt

Having the same issue with 85 but beginning at 78 didn't do the trick.

Chrome does however spit out some log messages:

angular.min.js:117 TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
    at str2rstr_utf8 (sha256-min.js:10)
    at hex_hmac_sha256 (sha256-min.js:10)
    at password.js:18
    at angular.min.js:130
    at n.$eval (angular.min.js:144)
    at n.$digest (angular.min.js:142)
    at n.$apply (angular.min.js:145)
    at l (angular.min.js:97)
    at H (angular.min.js:101)
    at XMLHttpRequest.u.onload (angular.min.js:102)
(anonymous) @ angular.min.js:117
(anonymous) @ angular.min.js:89
(anonymous) @ angular.min.js:130
$eval @ angular.min.js:144
$digest @ angular.min.js:142
$apply @ angular.min.js:145
l @ angular.min.js:97
H @ angular.min.js:101
u.onload @ angular.min.js:102
load (async)
(anonymous) @ angular.min.js:102
m @ angular.min.js:98
g @ angular.min.js:95
(anonymous) @ angular.min.js:130
$eval @ angular.min.js:144
$digest @ angular.min.js:142
$apply @ angular.min.js:145
(anonymous) @ angular.min.js:272
Qf @ angular.min.js:37
d @ angular.min.js:36

Since my JS knowledge is non-existent I hope this can help somebody else.
I am stuck for now.

Try 77, I had to go back to that one on another install. I probably got confused when troubleshooting and put 78 in the bug report.

Same issue here (with latest), will try to go back to 77.

Edit : Just tried 77, same endless spin.

No luck with 77 here either

Just solved it by using Edge instead of Firefox.
After the initial password setup, I'm fine logging with Firefox.

Edit : Nope, still having issues with FF, Edge is fine though. Will update to latest and see.

Running latest, no luck setting up password with Edge.

Very strange, I updated to lastest and now everything is fine.
It's perhaps a longshot but did you try 77 with Edge ?
I'll post the exact version of Edge I used.

Shmee commented

Spent a few minutes debugging this issue.

In password.js it's trying to load /ubooquity/admin/admin-res/cryptoparams to get the salt for the password hash. but that's the wrong path, it should be loading /ubooquity/admin-res/cryptoparams

I was able to set an admin password by modifying the source password.js in chrome source tab.

$http.get("admin-res/cryptoparams").then(function (response) {


$http.get("/ubooquity/admin-res/admin-res/cryptoparams").then(function (response) {

This issue has something to do with improper url routing either with the core script or the container url binding/mapping.

I'm still having this problem with a fresh install as of today. Can anyone help?

Please note - this does not occur if you enter the URL without the trailing slash.

Behavior occurs:
Works as normal:

@Team503 Lifesaver. Adding this to my notes until it's fixed. Thanks!

I think the fix is repairing Readme, becouse really, the backslash / give an error, when trying to set admin password. In readme path is with backslash.
@Team503 Thx a lot)

Just mentioning that this issue still happens in current 2.1.2-ls102 as of 25-Dec-2022, and that the workaround of removing the backslash is the "fix"