
Running reverse proxy, if I click "Comics" it takes me to my router

paulr24 opened this issue · 4 comments

So I have Ubooquity running and it's mostly working properly, but when behind reverse proxy if I click "Comics" it takes me to my router. If I click "Latest Comics" that works perfectly. I noticed that if I browse to Ubooquity using localhost instead of reverse proxy and click "Comics" it takes me there as it should, and it appends "/comics/187724/" to the end of the URL. Over reverse proxy, if I hover over the "Comics" icon I can see that the url just shows "/comics/" at the end, so I assume that some mechanism that appends that number to the end is not working properly. Is there anything I can do to make this work over reverse proxy? Thanks!

Expected Behavior

When I go to "Comics" it should take me there.

Current Behavior

When I go to "Comics" it takes me to my router.


**OS:**Synology DSM 6
CPU architecture: x64
How docker service was installed:

from the linuxserver repo

Thanks for opening your first issue here! Be sure to follow the bug or feature issue templates!

Details of your proxy setup would help.


I'm just using the internal reverse proxy feature within Synology DSM.

Unfortunately we don't support that method as no one within the team uses it. We only support our own reverse proxy solution here: which includes a reverse proxy config here: .

Take a look at that and see if that info can help with you with the synology solution.