
reply to all people who mentioned in tweet

takaotr opened this issue · 0 comments

hi, when i try to send mention to tweet with id i realized that just my mention going to the tweet owners but i want to mention all people who mentioned in tweet.


as i showed in the image i want to reply to all users in the tweet with tweetinvi.
but in tweetsharp api i'm doing this with no problem but tweetinvi just tagging tweet owner.

my tweetinvi code is:

var tweetToReplyTo = Tweet.GetTweet(long.Parse(TweetID)); var textToPublish = string.Format("@{0} {1}", tweetToReplyTo.CreatedBy.ScreenName, "MyMentiontext"; var tweet = Tweet.PublishTweetInReplyTo(textToPublish, long.Parse(TweetID));