
Data labeling?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

How to label the data after downloading from this , as mentioned in readme file.

I converted the .npy extension files to csv and got the following error:

label = int(line[columns["label"]])File "/fine-tuning/", line 77, in count_labels_num
    label = int(line[columns["label"]])
KeyError: 'label'

Tell us the clear method to continue after downloading datasets.

How to label the data after downloading from this , as mentioned in readme file. URL

I converted the .npy extension files to csv and got the following error:

label = int(line[columns["label"]])File "/fine-tuning/", line 77, in count_labels_num
    label = int(line[columns["label"]])
KeyError: 'label'

Tell us the clear method to continue after downloading datasets.

I had a similar problem. Have you solved it yet? How did you fix it?

The label info is from the files named y*.npy. This part needs to associate the label data before generating the tsv file.