本项目是针对Eigen3.3.7进行的翻译项目,其中不包括对Reference和Class List的翻译。Eigen3.3.7对应的官方文档的地址为:http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/ 。如果该网址不能访问,可以直接下载Eigen的英文文档
- 1. Getting started - 入门开始
- 2. Dense matrix and array manipulation - 稠密矩阵和数组处理
- 2.1 The Matrix class - 矩阵类
- 2.2 Matrix and vector arithmetic - 矩阵和向量运算
- 2.3 The Array class and coefficient-wise operations - 数组类和coefficient-wise操作
- 2.4 Block operations - 块运算
- 2.5 Advanced initialization - 高阶初始化
- 2.6 Reductions, visitors and broadcasting
- 2.7 Interfacing with raw buffers: the Map class - 与raw缓冲区对接:Map类
- 2.8 Reshape and Slicing
- 2.9 Aliasing - 混淆
- 2.10 Storage orders(lack of links)
- 2.11 Alignment issues
- 2.12 Catalog of coefficient-wise math functions
- 2.13 Quick reference guide
- 3. Dense linear problems and decompositions
- [Doing-stupidgrass] 3.1 Linear algebra and decompositions
- 3.2 Catalogue of dense decompositions
- [Doing-tianzhiyi] 3.3 Solving linear least squares systems
- 3.4 Inplace matrix decompositions
- 3.5 Benchmark of dense decompositions
- 4. [Sparse linear algebra] - 稀疏线性代数
- 4.1 Sparse matrix manipulations- 稀疏矩阵运算
- [Doing-gaojing8500] 4.2 Solving Sparse Linear Systems - 求解稀疏线性系统
- 4.3 Matrix-free solvers - 任意矩阵求解器