
Test program/routines for driving a monochrome ZhongHang P10 LED screen with an Arduino UNO/Leonardo/...

Primary LanguageC


Arduino project that shows how to drive a P10 LED screen in different ways. The code shows several techniques:

  • Bit-banging the P10 shift registers using inline assembly
  • Using Timer1 to drive the display versus "loop()"
  • Different mini game implementations: Snake, Pong
  • 64-byte sine/cosine table
  • Sampling AUX-level audio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0RNVcwk8RA

This particular code was made to run on an Arduino UNO, attached to a 11 panel P10 LED banner, resulting in a 352x16 LED screen.

Some of the copyrighted assets were removed from the repo, but you can use the content from text.h as a template.