
Presentation Materials for my "Sound Analysis with the Fourier Transform and Python" OSCON Talk.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Presentation Materials for my Sound Analysis with the Fourier Transform and Python OSCON 2013 Talk.

Presentation Index

To run locally, you must use this command to run ipython notebook: ipython notebook --pylab inline

You will also need to install these python libraries (along with their C dependencies):

  • numpy
  • scipy
  • matplotlib
  • ipython
  • scikits.audiolab

To record audio on your laptop, you can use sox (note that rec is a commnad installed with sox). Here are 2 useful sox commands

  • rec -r 44100 -c 2 -b 16 A4.wav
    • records at 44100 samples per sec, 2 channels, and 16 bits per sample
  • sox audio_2channels.wav audio_1channel.wav channels 1
    • converts from 2 channels to 1 channel