
Esse repositorio possui os arquivos do helm chart de instalação do fluentd configurando para funcionar no loki

Primary LanguageSmartyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Fluentd Helm Chart with Grafana Loki Plugin

This chart install fluentd daemonset pre-configured to send logs to Grafana Loki.



The default configurations bellow are required on values.yaml for the fluentd pod to be able connect to the loki server.

- name: "FLUENTD_CONF"
  value: "fluent.conf"
- name: "LOKI_URL"
  value: "http://loki-server:3100"
  value: ""
  value: ""

Install Fluentd-Loki

helm repo add fluentd-loki https://ativy-digital.github.io/helm-fluentd-loki/

helm repo update

# Logging is a sugested name for namespace, you can user any namespace or not define and use default.
helm install RELEASE fluentd-loki/fluentd-loki -n logging

Configuration of fluentd

Below is the configuration of fluentd, to collect and parse kubernetes logs to the loki server. This can be changed on values.yaml

  fluent.conf: |-
    # This source gets all logs from local container runtime host
    @include pods-fluent.conf
    @include prometheus.conf
    @include loki-fluent.conf

  pods-fluent.conf: |-
      @type tail
      @id in_tail_container_logs
      read_from_head true
      tag kubernetes.*
      path /var/log/containers/*.log
      pos_file /var/log/fluentd-containers.log.pos
      exclude_path ["/var/log/containers/fluent*"]
        @type multi_format
          format json
          time_key time
          time_type string
          time_format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%NZ"
          keep_time_key false
          format regexp
          expression /^(?<time>.+) (?<stream>stdout|stderr)( (.))? (?<log>.*)$/
          time_format '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%NZ'
          keep_time_key false
      emit_unmatched_lines true

    <match fluentd.**>
      @type null

    <match kubernetes.var.log.containers.**fluentd**.log>
      @type null

    <filter kubernetes.**>
      @type kubernetes_metadata
      @id filter_kube_metadata
      kubernetes_url "#{'https://' + ENV.fetch('KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST') + ':' + ENV.fetch('KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT') + '/api'}"
      verify_ssl "true"
      ca_file "#{ENV['KUBERNETES_CA_FILE']}"

    <filter kubernetes.var.log.containers.**>
      @type record_transformer
      remove_keys kubernetes, docker

        #app ${ record.dig("kubernetes", "labels", "app") }
        namespace ${ record.dig("kubernetes", "namespace_name") }
        pod ${ record.dig("kubernetes", "pod_name") }
        container ${ record.dig("kubernetes", "container_name") }


  prometheus.conf: |-
      @type prometheus
      @id in_prometheus
      bind ""
      port 24231
      metrics_path "/metrics"

  loki-fluent.conf: |-
    <match kubernetes.**>
      @type loki
      url "#{ENV['LOKI_URL']}"
      username "#{ENV['LOKI_USERNAME']}"
      password "#{ENV['LOKI_PASSWORD']}"
      extract_kubernetes_labels true
      label_keys "namespace,pod,container"
      extra_labels {"collector":"fluentd"}
      flush_interval 10s
      flush_at_shutdown true
      buffer_chunk_limit 1m
      line_format key_value

Helm Chart Maintainers

@lipenodias (github)

@victorfbraga (github)